Here is a list of wildlife we saw on the GAPCO trip:

  • deer (adults and babies)
  • cardinals
  • large butterflies
  • bunnies
  • beavers
  • caterpillars
  • massive worm on Ellen’s rain fly
  • multiple bugs that we accidentally ate on the ride (it is advisable to breathe through the nose while riding, if possible)
  • 2 snakes (small)
  • hawks
  • chipmunks
  • squirrels
  • 1 grasshopper that hitched a ride on Annie’s shoe for a few miles
  • spiders (large)
  • frogs
  • dragon flies
  • mystery animal at Husky Haven camp ground, possibly a cat
  • blue birds of some sort
  • ducks
  • 1 goose walking across the trail
  • wild turkeys
  • fireflies
  • mosquitoes
  • a stray yellow dog

We took precautions for black bear sightings – such as tying our food up at night with a food wire and carrying a bear can – but we didn’t encounter any.