We made it to Rockwood and are enjoying our camp site!


It’s Ellen’s turn to make dinner!

Today’s ride was relentless climbing and we had 1 flat tire.  We got through it together though, and Ellen got to practice her tire-changing skills (top-notch, by the way!).

And, overall, I’ve been impressed with people’s friendliness and generosity while we’ve been on the trail.  A cyclist couple staying at Ohiopyle, Rob and Dorothy, stopped and gave us a nice bike pump for the rest of our trip, when they saw us fixing the flat! (We had a pump, it’s just very small and theirs was way better).

We saw some beautiful vistas during our ride:




Tomorrow will be our last day on the GAP and we’ve been hearing that the upcoming C&O Towpath portion is quite bumpy. The owner of a bike store gave us a tip about a trail that runs parallel to the C&O for 22 miles and is paved, so we may check that out.

Today’s Mileage: 31

Tomorrow’s Itinerary: Rockwood, PA to Cumberland, MD